Tabriz City


Tabriz, the capital of Eastern Azarbaijan Province, is situated at an elevation of 1340 (38° 4' N / 46° 25' E). The city is about 2054 square kilometers in area, and borders on Urumia Lake on northeast, and is located within 619 km west of Tehran, the capital of Islamic Republic of Iran. Population of the city is estimated to be 1,300,000. Tabriz is surrounded by lone-standing, towering mountains of Sahand and Own-ibne-Ali (locally pronounced Einali) on northeast and south, respectively.
Talkheroud (Ajichai) which flows across the north and northeast of province floods its way through the relatively vast meadow and pours down into Urumia Lake. Another river, Mehranrood, rolls through the city dividing it into the southern and northern halves.

Historic sites and tourist attractions that have survived to date include:

  • Traditional Bazar consisting of integrated sets of  constructions such  as Rasteh, Sara, Charsouq, mosques, seminaries and traditional public baths. The place is the only Bazar in the world unique for the integrated architectural design.
  • Around the city, one may find several mausoleums, and tombs of world-famous poets, artists, clerics, etc.
  • Buildings and houses including Khaneye Mashrouteh (the house which was the mainstay of revolutionary,  constitutionalist  movements), Shariar’s  House, Magbaratul Shoara (The Poets’ Monumental Mausoleum) among many others.
  • Museums such as Azerbaijan Museum of Anthropology, Iron Epoch Museum, The Museum of Constitutional Revolution, Museum of Qajar Dynasty, Museum of Quran and Islamic Scriptures in Sahebul-Amr monumental Shrine, The Museum of Armenians, and Wild Life Museum.